> home>course>modeling>introduction


Layout of the course

The course consists of a number of chapers, each devoted to a part of the modeling process. There is a chapter about materials, followed by some thoughts and tips on the preparation, a chapter about armatures, and a chapter or two about the modeling.
I've also added a growing number of case studies to the course. Because of this, and because I'm still fleshing out parts of the course I've broken each chapter into small parts. This makes it easier for me to incorperate parts of the case studies, new examples and pages to this course without giving you the need to reprint the whole course.
You can walk through the main parts of the course by pressing the arrow buttons at the bottom of each page, or you can use the course map to jump directly to some part of the course.

A word on printing

I've had quite a lot of mail of people who liked my course and printed all pages for reference. As I said earlier, I've broken my course into small parts to make this easier. But because this course is primary developed as a web course, and must therefore be easy readable from the screen, the pages you print may sometimes contain more whitespace than needed.

I used to accomodate the printing of new parts of the course by labeling each part in the top-right corner. Since version 3.0 of my site I've discontinued this method. You can still use the page titles in combination with the course map as the table of content to see which parts you haven't printed yet. The case studies are now completely separated from the pages of the course.